Life's Questions and Answers (sm)

Life is filled with perplexing questions. And at times, hard to find answers. Let's talk. Maybe we can understand "life" better...together. Join in!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

"What's God got to do with it?"

I have heard people say God is either too busy to be concerned with the everyday happenings and concerns in their lives; or, He is more concerned with "punishing" us than "loving" us.
What do you think??


At 1:48 PM, Blogger SHL said...

"What's God got to do with it?" When I posted that I was thinking of the song: "What's love got to do with it?" A song "popularized" by Tina Turner in the 80's.

The major difference between the idea that song represents and the idea that God represents IS love.

God is love. And for Him, it's all about love.

God sending His Son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins is proof.

Jesus' "song of love" didn't "popularizie" the act because no one will ever do what He did on the cross again. It was done once and for all.

What it did is "immortalize," that is if we believe in Jesus as our Savior, He brings to us "exemption from death." He rescues us.

What's love got to do with it? Everything if you're God.

At 2:37 PM, Blogger SHL said...

Hello, Everyone

For those of you who visit to read-this posting is for you. You have asked me why I can't write more. My schedule will not allow it. But, we will enjoy today.

Take time if you can to "blog in." I want to enjoy your comments as well.

Today, as I preached at my church,
from Exodus 13:3, I thought of how the Israelites "celebrated Passover."

Not necessarily in recognition of the sadness that would come from the night of the fulfilling of the last plaque sent by God to Egypt, but, the "celebration" of the recogonition of the "coming deliverance."

And for every year since. A celebration "of the deliverance" the Lord gave to them when "He brought them out." Out of slavery and bondage.

I hope we will "earnestly" remember when God "brought us out." Out of our slavery and bondage from sin; through His death on the cross for our sins.

His "saving" us and "bringing" us out by the strength of His hand and the power of His blood.

What's your Egypt? Consider what Jesus did, and how He can "bring you out;" save you and free you.

Whatever your Egypt, God is interested. Your freedom is as close as a prayer.


At 9:53 AM, Blogger SHL said...

Hello Genie!

Thanks for all of your insights and for taking the time to Blog in!

I am glad you "found" us. Most importantly that God "found and saved us."

I am also glad as you say, that you "have an opinion about eveything." We share that same "spiritual gift." :)Another one of my gifts is a "strong opinion."

The more people try to "disprove God," the more they realize He is the only answer.

To me it takes more "work" to try to work out, "figure out," all of the other "religions," and their

The work God requires first, is faith. Just believing seems so "simple" to me. Yes, we believe and Jesus did the work. Simple in it's basis.

Why is just believing so hard for people??

Here is praying that our "strong opinions" lead us to an even deeper and abiding conviction and faith, that "He is God and there is no other." And that the world needs to know Him!


At 1:58 PM, Blogger SHL said...

Hey Jeamin-

It's good to hear from you again.

I like what you said: "He is only out to give us the very best..."

Some people "view" God as the "punisher from above" that only "delights" in seeing people suffer. I grow tried of many peoples' view of God.

Admitedly, I find myself "crying out" to God sometime and saying: "Why don't you do 'something?'" Like when there is a war, or natural disaster.

The consequences of evil and sin run deep. Apart from God I can't pretend to understand it.

Since I am not God, I don't know about the situations behind "why things happen." And I don't know why innocent people have to suffer and die sometimes.

I just know who God is...and I have to believe "by faith" that He is in control. Of everything and all things. Period.

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." Psalm 46:1, NIV.

Let's "stand believing" even when we don't understand. Let's stand "knowing" He sees everything and that all concerns are on "His mind and His 'list.'"

Let's let God be our "refuge" and "strong tower." If we "run in to Him," He will be faithful to hold us and "keep" us and care for us.

At 1:03 PM, Blogger SHL said...

Hello Everyone! Shalom!

I hope that everyone is well. I am praying for you.

Today, I am meditating on Mark 8:15, Amp.

This verse mentions the "leaven," or the "lump" of yeast, that is added to bread to make it rise.

We know that under the Levitical Laws, the Jewish people were to eat the "unleavened" the "unrisen," yeast free bread.

Like the "leaven," our sin is like "a lump" in our lives. The more sin the more lumps.

In this verse I think that Jesus was warning that the Pharisees were not only sinful like "a lump" but, that they were "rising" in fervor against Him.

If our life is full of sin, there can't be room for God. The "lump" of sin "disrupts" our life with Christ.

Any sin is against God. But, when our lives become filled with it, the "lumps take over" and our sin rises up against God.

If we are celebrating and living our lives for the Risen One, Jesus, we need to let Him remove the "lumps of sin" in our lives--for good.

And live daily a life "infused" with with God's Spirit and a life that is "rising in the stature of the Lord." (Luke 2:52.)


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