Life's Questions and Answers (sm)

Life is filled with perplexing questions. And at times, hard to find answers. Let's talk. Maybe we can understand "life" better...together. Join in!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

"Too Busy For Christmas?"

With the lack of "holiday hype" I'm seeing, I was wondering if it was due to our lack lustre economy, or we're just too busy for Christmas?

Even if you're not "into buying" you can "get in to" celebrating. After all it's about the recognition of the birthday of a babe in a manger, that grew into a man who became Savior of the world.

In "whatever" we get excited about celebrating, having the
knowledge--the truth, about God sending His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for our sins; can give us joy beyond excitement and life in the hereafter.

I hope whatever you're celebrating has value and meaning beyond one day. If it doesn't, is it really worth your time and attention? Is it worth a celebration, or a re-evaluation?

Merry Christmas! Happy Birthday, Jesus!