"Where is Kindness?"
A person’s recent reaction to a deed I had done for them made me more sad then it did glad. They seemed “floored” that someone they didn’t know would stop and help them.
I appreciated their thankfulness, but I wondered how far our society hasn’t come in not only looking out for each other, but stopping to help strangers.
Could it be we have gotten to the point where stopping to help someone we don’t know is not only “too much trouble,” it’s not even a thought?
Jesus, God’s Son stopped to help us with His death on cross for our sins. He knew us because His Father, God, knows us and made us. The evolutionists out there just fainted. By the way, I was created not hatched!
Regardless of whether we know God’s Son as Savior; it doesn’t change what He did for us even though we may not have asked Him. Now think of how ready He is to be your Savior when you do.
God, I remember your kindness to us even when we don’t ask. And I thank you for what you did in my life to save me when I did; for what you are willing to do for all of us when we ask.
© A. Miller 2008
Reproduction, distribution or reprint of this article is prohibited without express written permission of the author, A. Miller.
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