What Does Faith Mean To You?
I'm looking at an ad for an upcoming luncheon that’s on my desk; the title of the event “A View From The Edge” really grabs my attention. The only views from there are up and down, and over if you can cross. I guess you can always decide to turn back.
Some roads we choose in our lives leave us no choice but to go forward, because going back for what ever reason is not an option. If you’re facing the edge right now, I hope you won’t choose to go over; but, prepare to cross over.
How we cross the edges in our lives, is entirely our choice. But I am very interested in how God will always get me across; no matter how steep the drop or how broad the gap.
The way to cross over any edge is by the means of faith. Just hoping seems to only work on TV. Hope is fleeting, but faith is rooted. It’s taken hold in something deep. Deeper than just wishing “it was all over,” or clicking your heels together to see if that will get you to the other side. Faith is fixed in the One God who can get us over.
I like to cross edges. Because I trust, have faith, in the One God and His Son, Jesus, as my Savior. I know where ever I land it will be in His hands. I also enjoy crossing edges because I anxiously wait to see what is on the other side. I’m just not the turning back sort of person.
The great thing about putting our trust, faith, in God is that it’s open to anyone that believes in God, and that His Son, Jesus, died on the cross for their sins. Believing in Him isn’t easy for some. Doubting His existence and blaming Him for our problems doesn’t help us to gain trust in Him; but fuels the doubt that feeds our desire to “do it our way.” God never said you couldn’t do it your way; He would just like to help you, as you go along—on your way.
Crossing over isn’t always a journey, when you reach the edge you can fall in. How close are you to the edge? I hope it’s not to fall in but to hold on by the means of faith. To make it across and go…beyond.
Faith in ourselves gets us as far as we can carry ourselves. Faith in God gets us the farthest because He can carry is all the way; by His might and power, and by the means of faith. Not placed in ourselves but well placed in Him. The One who can not only get us across, but who can rescue us from the edge.
© A. Miller 2007 Reproduction, distribution or reprint of this article is prohibited without express written permission of the author, A. Miller.
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