Life's Questions and Answers (sm)

Life is filled with perplexing questions. And at times, hard to find answers. Let's talk. Maybe we can understand "life" better...together. Join in!

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Invisible Hands ©

Working in a language church these last nineteen years has afforded me many opportunities to reach a wide variety of people in the many stages of their lives with the gospel. The Bible states “…it’s the power of God unto salvation.”

If we are willing to set the captives free through the sharing of the gospel, I hope our faith in Him can lead us to action in reaching those who may never have either crossed our path, or our minds.

Years ago I started talking about the topic of human trafficking. People being forced to not only work long hours in indentured service and forced labor, but men, women and children forced into lives of prostitution.

Many people did not only question what I was saying, they “couldn’t believe that it was happening.” It may be hard for us to get our minds around anyone being forced into prostitution and the sex industry, but it is happening all over the world everyday.

Blaming others for their lifestyle, or punishing them for not being like us or acting as we think they should was not the motto of our Lord Jesus Christ and His message of redemption. And that kind of attitude will not go far if it’s our intention to reach people with that message.

The Bible says “Let those who are free be free indeed.” It’s hard to escape when you’re not the only one holding yourself back. The invisible hands that keep many in bondage have a face and a name even though we can’t see them. It’s this dilemma that is going to have to send us to our knees in prayer for wisdom and help—from a God who has the power to break chains and bring justice. A God whose invisible hands bring visible results, working through His people who are willing to live and pray by faith, and act out the mandate He gave to us all “Go into all the world…”

Human trafficking IS modern day slavery! Let’s make this a household phrase, like “go green” and “recycle,” and let’s make sure people know who we are about, God, and what
we are about, Him, and His message of hope for all people; regardless of circumstance.

© A. Miller 2009